Playa del Carmen Electric Bikes vs. Normal Bikes:

Which Is Better?

Electric Bikes in Playa del Carmen are zipping around all over the place in 2024 when just couple years ago there was hardly any around. A lot of people now are even ditching normal bikes and mopeds in Playa del Carmen and trying out this new form of transportation.

Maybe you are thinking about getting one too or another electric mobility device like an electric scooter. Before you do, let me give you the lowdown from a local who has lived in Playa del Carmen for 12 years and watched the progression of electric bikes and scooters in this fun, exciting beach town. I have owned both electric bikes and scooters and used them in and around Playa del Carmen. I have also spent a lot of time riding normal bikes and mopeds in Playa del Carmen so feel like I can give you a pretty good comparison and some of the pros and cons of each form of transportation.

So what about the cost? Well, I think that the much higher cost of electric bikes and scooters vs. normal bikes has probably been a deterrent for a lot of people till recently, especially locals. For locals the moped and basic Playa Beach Cruiser are still the top dogs of transport in and around the city. Recently, however, the cost of electric bikes and scooters has dropped dramatically and some cheaper budget models have showed up on the scene. But are they worth it? What’s the catch? What about the more expensive higher quality electric bikes? I will try to answer these questions for you so you can make an informed decision on whether you want to start riding around on an electric bike in Playa del Carmen.

If you are looking for the lowest cost transport option then bikes is the clear winner. Especially the minimalist, single speed beach cruiser/city bikes that are so popular here. For 3000 to 4000 pesos you’re able to get a nice cruiser bike that will get you all over town, no gas, no charging, no dead batteries. Maintenance and flat tire repairs are also really low cost. Since this is the most preferred method of transport for locals there are many repair shops that can patch a flat tire for 30 pesos or change a worn out part for 100 or 200 pesos.

Mopeds are the same way. Obviously they are more expensive than bikes and you have to pay for gas. But the low cost of repairs and easy availability of parts is great. For gas mileage you can ride all week on 100 pesos. The downside, however is that mopeds are a bit dangerous to drive in Playa del Carmen, since the traffic and driving conditions can be a little crazy at times. Not to mention that the police setup checkpoints and make it their mission to stop people on mopeds and give them arbitrary fines for anything they can come up with. This will only get worse since now they will be implementing the new “Vest Law” where all motorcycle and moped riders will have to wear a reflective vest that has your license plate number printed on it and numbered sticker for your helmet. There have been widespread protests against the new vest law but, unfortunately they seem to be moving forward with it. In my opinion, it will become just another way for the police to harass moped riders and extort them for fines and payoffs if they forget their vests.

The nice thing about bikes is you can avoid all these hassles and risks of getting run over by careless drivers. Electric Bikes and Scooters are similarly good this way since they still, as of now, do not require vehicle registration like mopeds. That’s right, both electric bikes and electric scooters in Playa del Carmen continue to be completely unregulated for now. I am certain this will change, since they pose a much greater risk than normal bikes with the higher speeds they can travel. They are really closer to mopeds than bikes in many ways, especially with the risk of getting injured from the hectic driving conditions here in Playa. The other big reason why registration and laws will be coming soon to electric bikes and scooters in Playa del Carmen is that the city will want to monetize this new form of transportation. You can count on them requiring a paid vehicle registration in the future or they may just ban electric scooters entirely like so many other cities around the world have.

Another obvious difference is electric bikes, scooters and mopeds are motorized so they are easy. You don’t have to rely on pedal power. This is great if you are out of shape, lazy or a weakling haha just kidding. Obviously, there are times when zipping across town on a motorized vehicle makes sense but with normal bikes you get exercise for free as a bonus! I think it’s one reason why you see so many thin, attractive people all over Playa enjoying the sun and the fun on Beach Cruiser Bikes day in and day out. So when it comes to value and safety, I would have to say Normal Bikes, Beach Cruisers in particular are the clear winner.

What they Don’t want you to know about Electric Bikes in Playa del Carmen!

So what about these low cost mini electric bikes? Well let me explain to you why it’s not as good as you think.

The Weather.

It’s been my experience that the life of a battery for an electric bike or scooter in Playa is only about one year or less in many cases. You could get lucky and get a longer life, or perhaps with a more expensive model?

This is because of the hot, tropical, high humidity conditions here in Playa. In fact, normal car batteries only last two years for this same reason. Let’s not also forget about the salt in the air from the sea which combines with the humidity to be very corrosive for all the electronic parts in electric bikes and scooters. This causes additional problems and the need to replace electronic parts and components much faster. Then there is the rainy season to consider, which lasts for six months here. With the torrential downpours that we get here the streets can get and stay very flooded, sometimes up to knee high level. Unfortunately the mini electric bikes and scooters have the batteries mounted very low and they can become completely submerged quite easily. This is sudden death for them. This might not seem like a big deal just get it fixed or buy another battery right? No, in most cases replacement batteries are unavailable, very expensive or very hard to source.

Replacement parts are also impossible or very hard to come by and very few people know how to repair electric bikes and scooters since they are a new thing to this area. I can remember the nightmare of something as simple as trying to change a flat tire on my electric scooter. Nobody could do it for me. Eventually, I ordered special tubeless tires and did it myself. It was quite an ordeal and very expensive and time consuming. For these reasons, electric bikes and scooters in Playa del Carmen could be considered Disposable Vehicles. That was my experience with them at least. Perhaps things will improve in this area as more people start using electric bikes and scooters but one thing is for certain. The short life of the batteries due to the weather conditions is a major concern for using them here in Playa. You will need to be willing to accept the disposable nature of these vehicles. So what about the warranty on your new electric bike? It sounds good but you have to understand here in Mexico they are notorious for not honoring warranties and guarantees for the most trivial of reasons. Or they will take your non working electric bike or scooter to their repair shop, or have it sent somewhere far away and you will not see it again for six months if ever again. For all these reasons I think you can see why low budget or even higher quality electric bikes and scooters in Playa del Carmen are not as good of a transportation value as you may have thought.

electric bikes in the landfill

 Another thing you may not have considered either is the environmental impact of all these disposable mini electric vehicles. Where will all the batteries end up? Can they be recycled? I think you know the answer. Normal Bikes, on the other hand can last for decades, and have a very minimal impact on the environment. They are in high demand for the Mexican people who will be happy to take even an old rusty bike and keep using it for cheap transportation for years. They are mostly made of recyclable parts and don’t rely on electric charging batteries or gasoline. You can feel good about riding normal bikes since you are helping to save the planet and also get some great exercise.

Playa del Carmen is a beach town and you can get across town on a Beach Cruiser Bike often times faster than driving when you consider the traffic and hassles with parking we have now with the unfair Parquimetro system. I highly recommend you try traditional cycling if you are living or staying here in Playa. I truly believe you will find it to be a very rewarding experience. You will feel the sea breeze while you explore new beaches and cenotes or take in the urban street art. You will also be contributing to a better future for the planet and everyone in Mexico.